About Us

We are Silicon Valley software engineers, helping companies scale engineering teams

Kim Pham

Chief of AI and Data Science

Kim was an engineer number #100 at Airbnb. He left Airbnb to return to Vietnam and founded a startup that he hopes can change people's lives. Before that Kim worked at Google Search team to improve semantic search products.

Kim is an engineer at heart. He loves to apply algorithms into real life problems such as applying AI chatbot technology to help small businesses, or applying dynamic pricing to the real estate industry. Kim earned his bachelor degree in software engineering in Australia and master degree in computer science in Illinois, USA. Before that, he was a competitive student who won many prizes in programming and robotics competitions.

Kim earned his bachelor degree in software engineering in Australia and master degree in computer science in Illinois, USA. Before that, he was a competitive student who won many prizes in programming and robotics competitions.

Melanie Aronson

Chief of Product and UX Design

Melanie, previously a startup founder, received a bachelors in anthropology from Barnard College at Columbia University and a masters of fine arts in social documentary filmmaking from the School of Visual Arts in NYC.

Melanie brings design and UX to life inside the software world. With her background in social anthropology, project management and design thinking, Melanie guides the team with her overall vision and oversees the collaboration of product and customer experience.

She received a Fulbright grant to conduct research on integration at Lund University in Sweden. She was selected as a finalist for the Founder of the Year Award by Global Startups Award in 2022, for the H.M. Konung Immigrant of the Year Award in Sweden in 2020, for Digital’s Female Founder of the Year Award in Sweden in 2021, and a finalist for GlobalStartup Awards Founder of the Year in Sweden in 2022.

Lienne Nguyen

Chief of Product Engineering

Lienne is a startup veteran and has a passion of building software from ground up, supporting it through various stages of growth. She has been as an engineer of founding team, beginning with product conception, technical design and architecture to support millions of users.

Lienne is passionate about creating an efficient design, limiting the need to over-engineering the product at its early stage, while thinking ahead of a robust architecture to support later stages of product expansion for the company‘s highest growth.